Chro's book in authentic and comes from heart
The author of the Chro Is My Name, Chro Zand, is a an amazing Kurdish woman who has dedicated her life to write. Her book describes her and her family’s life and how the war affected them all. It is also the story of the people of southern Kurdistan.
Chro is a professional and amazing person and writer and I recommend her book to everyone to read.
Eye-opening and rich account
This is a harrowing and touching story of the life of a Kurdish woman and the overall struggle of the Kurdish people. Chro’s storytelling is impactful, weaving a rich account of her experiences from Kurdistan in northern Iraq to Canada. Highly recommend this eye-opening book.
Highly Recommended
Highly Recommend, grate book, I view it as movie, a brave woman wrote what she experienced in real surviving from war. Her father was her grater mentor, he supported her. Her father is father of federation, wrote forty books and including the geography of his beloved land as patriot, noble man, I believe she is following his father’s path.
Excellent book
Excellent book definitely recommend it, learned a kite about the writer and her life, and the life of Kurdish people.
Must Read
What an amazing book, I definitely recommend it to all readers who like to know about othere people life experience.
Sarwa Azeez's analysis of the book "Chro is my name" by the author Chro Zand
Zand’s memoir regains control over her own narrative by oscillating between ethnographic details and personal accounts. For instance, in the concluding chapter of Zand’s memoir, she explores the life of her parents and their deep connections within their community. She fondly recalls countless moments spent with her father, Karim Zand, a celebrated Kurdish translator, historian, geographer, and writer.
Read more about Sarwa’s analysis about the author’s book.
What an amazing book
What an amazing book, I definitely recommend it to all readers who like to know about othere people life experience. It will make you understand what kurds have gone through
Highly Recommend
Very interesting and adventurous book. The writer is not just taking you to the journey of her life or telling you a story. Chro in her biography book, introduces the readers to the history of Kurdish people and their struggles, also introducing us to her father the most famous Kurdish historical writer. From this book, we learn about the 2 major different wars one Iraq against Iran and the other one the war inside Iraq and southern Kurdistan. How the war affected her life how different races and political views changed the life of families. She turned all her pain into this great interesting biological book.
Chro is Amazing
Easy to read. Excellent pictures. Amazing True Story..Ally
Written beautifully & concisely
The author Chro wrote about events and our land’s history beautifully, profoundly, unambiguous, and concisely. It has been a while since I wanted to write about my nation’s history and people who struggled together against dictatorship in the Middle East , occupation, and invasions of my country.
Must Read Book
What an amazing book, I definitely recommend it to all readers who like to know about othere people life experience.
It will make you understand what kurds have gone through
Great Pictures. Easy To Read. Fits In A Purse
Great Pictures. Easy to Read. Fold on a purse.
Her book took me back to those days when all Kurds suffered
Her writing touched me and took me back to those days when all Kurds suffered. In 991 we were forced to leave our homeland and separate from loved ones in the genocide of my nation. I left my country. However, I learned from my parents to stay loyal to my country and the county I seek refuge. As l learned to love and respect others regardless of their faith, race, and nationality, I look up to the author’s hard work and nonfiction and recommend this great book to the readers. Thus, they better understand the occupation of Kurdish land from a survivor of war, she is my sister.
Wonderful life story of a Kurdish woman
A beautiful tale of wisdom and courage. Highly recommend reading this book of an authentic Kurdish woman’s journey. 10/10
Real story of the survival of genocide
I enjoyed reading this book, and the author used an obvious and concise way to the end. It is a real story and memo of the survival of genocide. A powerful, honest telling of her tale could be a great film. Thank you for sharing this journey. I recommend this book, Chro Is My Name.
Great story based on real life
I have read the whole book in 1 day,because it has caught my attention by the great story,based on real life. Highly recommended.
A dedication to Kurdish disappearance
Chro I read it three times; the dedication attracted me. If I am not wrong, Chro is the first woman who dedicated her book to Kurdish disappearance. A significant contribution and faithfulness to a homeland. I admire your vast imagination. You are a great writer. I am so proud of Chro.
This book could be a great movie
Chro Is My Name is one of the best memories I ever read. The writer made me feel as though I was experiencing the events alongside her in the whole story. It’s a book with unexpected details and situations. Very well written and impressive. I really liked it.
Amazing Real Story Written By Kurdish Female
At time of reading this story l remember all the sorrows Kurdish people suffered from .Reminded me when more than one million Kurds stayed on borders,, tired, hungry, freezing cold and aimless ..I recommend every body to read this book inorder to share his experience..
The book captivating and easy to follow
Read the book twice. It was captivating and easy to follow and turn pages to get to next event to find out the destiny of this women who suffered through internal, external and war conflicts. The author is definitely very brave, raw and honest in transferring her feelings thoughts to words. I believe for anyone who is from Kurdistan woman can see themselves as the character of this story and relieve whatever they have suppressed or pushed aside in their subconscious and bring it to the front and make them face their old daemons hiding away (which is very difficult at times) . I applaud you Chro for this great work and looking forward for more Books to come.
Real life story of Kurdish people
Amazing book by Chro and I recommend it.
A mush-read book
A must-read book. (Chro is my name) memoir is one of the few books that gives an incredible detail about Kurdish modern history, and provides a unique information about a well-known Kurdish historian, and scholar, Karim Zand. Very useful resources and information are given in the book for anyone who is interested to study more about Mr. ZAND in an academic field. Even though the book is small but it covers many important eras of Kurdish people thoroughly. I read it twice, and it fed my knowledge very effectively, especially when it comes to small details of Kurdish uprising in 1991, before and aftermath of the event. The book also gives a lot of new unknown information about Karim Zand which I think every Kurdish all over the parts of Kurdistan start reading about Mr. Zand’s life, work, books and character.
The inspiring history of the Kurdish people; Karim Zand, the Kurdish patriot; and Chro Zand herself.
A young Kurdish refugee said to me, about Chro’s Zand’s Father, “Karim Zand is the Father of all of greater Kurdistan, across the region, in all countries! He is the most known and beloved person in our culture! He was from my home town, Sulaymaniyah, and we all knew him. He walked everywhere, always with an angelic smile on his face, always wearing a tie with the Kurdistan flag and a traditional Kurdish hat, and always with books under his arm. His house was in the oldest neighbourhood and the garden was sublime with lilies, roses, and many other flowers.” This was what I knew when I picked up ‘Chro Is My Name.’
I could not put the book down until I finished it. Apart from the riveting story Chro Zand tells about her own family, including her famous father, the charm of the book is that the story is intertwined with her own captivating poetry. But it also deals with the almost unrelenting pain of much of her own personal story and that of her Kurdish People.
I highly recommend reading “Chro Is My Name”.
The inspiring history of the Kurdish people. Karim Zand, the Kurdish patriot and Chro Zand herself
A young Kurdish refugee said to me, about Chro’s Zand’s Father, “Karim Zand is the Father of all of greater Kurdistan, across the region, in all countries! He is the most known and beloved person in our culture! He was from my home town, Sulaymaniyah, and we all knew him. He walked everywhere, always with an angelic smile on his face, always wearing a tie with the Kurdistan flag and a traditional Kurdish hat, and always with books under his arm. His house was in the oldest neighbourhood and the garden was sublime with lilies, roses, and many other flowers.” This was what I knew when I picked up ‘Chro Is My Name.’
I could not put the book down until I finished it. Apart from the riveting story Chro Zand tells about her own family, including her famous father, the charm of the book is that the story is intertwined with her own captivating poetry. But it also deals with the almost unrelenting pain of much of her own personal story and that of her Kurdish People.
I highly recommend reading ‘Chro Is My Name.’ You will be, on the one hand, appalled at the perilous history of the Kurdish people, and Chro and her own family, while on the other hand, awed with the story of their resilience and strength over years of adversity! And yes, their joy in being part of a people with a long and illustrious history! This is an inspiring and gripping read!
One person found this helpful
Amazing writing! Simple and easy to follow.
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